Levels of Experience in Real Estate Brokers

Level 1- Not Taking a Loss

This is the bottom level for agents. Some people at this level are looking to make some extra money. They perform good enough to stay employed but may not be at the top of the game.

Level 2- Planning

At this level the agents have found this safe zone and what works for them. They meet their numbers but do not seem to exceed these numbers of excel. They are not doing anything wrong but they will not reach the top in this field.

Level 3- Competition

These team members are motivated to succeed. There are external factors that will help motivate them. They want to make themselves look good but at the same time, they are making others look bad. If they do not come out on top they are quick to place the blame on others or say that they have faulty leads. These people look for easy market conditions so they can be successful. They can be expendable but there is hope that they can change.

Level 4- Looking for Improvement

Real estate agents at this level have intrinsic motivation and they want to do better. They are in control of themselves and their future.  A real estate agent at this level knows they are in charge of their destiny.

Level 5- Looking for a Challenge

The agents at this level are aware of the business and they can be assigned to challenging clients. They know more about the housing market and understand the real estate field. They fit into a team and they welcome a challenge. They want to be recognized for their skills and they want to be the best at what they doing. They are trying to beat their own ales records. They have a plan for tackling challenges.

Level 6- Looking for Mastery

This person is a valuable member of the team. They always do their best and they do not care about the performance of everyone else on the team. They are high achievers and they do not mind a challenge. They are focused on their work and being the best that they can be in their field. They do not worry about outside influences and are not bothered by them at all. They can succeed in any housing market and any conditions.

There are different levels in real estate for the agents. All agents should be encouraged to reach the mastery level. As the team moves forward those at the bottom are not going to enjoy success. Those that are doing their best to sell homes and do so with confidence can expect to see success through the year.

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